帕偉鄂本 Pawel Urban
- 文章分類: 吳大猷先生紀念獎名單
- 10/20/2021

- 英國約克大學化學博士 (2008)
- 波蘭華沙大學生物學碩士 (2002)
- 國立清華大學化學系副教授 (2017/8 ~迄今)
- 國立交通大學應用化學系博士後研究員 / 助理教授 / 副教授 (2010/10 ~ 2017/7)
- 瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院博士後研究員 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie 獎學金) (2008/9 ~ 2010/8)
探索分子化學分析 開發自動化分析工具
I came to Taiwan over a decade ago. My laboratory is currently located in the Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University. My team carries out research toward development of tools for chemical analysis of small and large molecules. We focus on the development of enabling technologies for chemistry research, their applications, as well as fundamental studies.
In one branch of our research activities, we develop methods for detection of volatile organic compounds in a variety of matrices. This kind of chemical analysis is relevant to environmental science, food science, and biomedicine.
In the second branch of our research, we develop methods for interrogation of structural transitions in proteins. In fact, protein molecular structure is critical for protein function in biological systems.
Thus, there are efforts to understand the conditions in which protein molecules undergo structural transitions.
In the third branch of our research, we develop miniature probes and sensing devices for analysis compounds adsorbed on surfaces. These include skin excretion components or residues left on the surfaces of furniture. For example, we have developed methods for detecting metabolites (including disease biomarkers) in sweat, and applied them in the clinical setting (collaborative project).
In the case of skin metabolite analysis, the main analytical technique is mass spectrometry. However, in most our projects, we also develop prototypes of customized analytical instruments to address challenging tasks. Some of the developed instruments are portable, enabling analysis of chemicals outside the laboratory.
Overall, our research can contribute to the society in various ways, in particular by providing tools for rapid chemical characterization of foodstuffs and rapid non-invasive diagnostics based on skin excretion (sweat) analysis.
I am very grateful to the award panel in the Ministry of Science and Technology for offering me the Ta-You Wu Memorial Award. This news is a big surprise for me because I am an alien here.
Winning this award was possible thanks to the research opportunities provided to me in the past 10 years. Thus, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, National Tsing Hua University, and also the National Chiao Tung University to the development of my team over this time.
The success of our team would not be possible without the enormous effort of my students and postdocs – from Taiwan, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland, and other countries. Finally, I thank my relatives in Taiwan and Poland for their support.
“You can only understand something by trying it yourself.” (Xun Zi)
- 基礎研究超前部署
- 豐沛國家科研人才